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For Our People

Hopworks will continue to work hard to take care of our team, enhancing our health benefits and wellness plan by offering a comprehensive affordable medical plan with a reduced eligibility period, providing an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP), increase wellness benefits, and working toward matching our 401K plan. 

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For Our Community

To support our community, Hopworks will continue to build and strengthen our partnerships with local, non-profit organizations supporting underserved communities to help create awareness and community engagement. We will donate .5% of sales through in-kind donations, fund raising, and/or monetary donations to these social organizations.  

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For Our Planet

To continue to maintain our low carbon footprint in our brewery operations, Hopworks will complete the replacement of our two-ton CO2 bulk tank with a six-ton unit, reducing our delivery frequency by over 65%. Along with this project we will install a new copper piping system that will eliminate leaks. We are working towards installing a high-efficiency brewhouse by 2025. This brewhouse will significantly improve the yield from the malted barley and reduce the use of water, electricity, and natural gas.

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