Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July!
4th of July is almost here! It’s been a crazy year so far, but we’re taking things one day at a time and enjoying the little things - like celebrating the holidays as they come. We also want to give back to you all for the amazing support you’ve shown us over the last few months. That’s why we’re giving away $25 Next Adventure Gift Cards to eight random winners who order through our online stores until July 3. You can also win by participating with a photo through social or emailing us. Check out the full details and rules here.
Celebrating July 4 with Hopworks
Here’s a few ways to celebrate the 4th Hopworks style as you gear up (see what we did there?) for the weekend, so read on and rock on!
Win a Totally Chill Trucker Hat!
We’re running our Totally Chill Trucker contest through the end of August! Be sure to submit your pictures via social media or email. Use the hashtag #totallychill, follows us @hopworksbeer, and subscribe to our newsletter to enter!
With our Powell Mothership now open for takeout and HUB Vancouver open for dine-in, we’d love to serve you on the 4th! Click the button below to check out our new menus and how to order.
Like we mentioned up top, any order you place (whether beer, food, merch, or kegs) from now until July 3 will enter you to win a $25 Next Adventure gift card! Here’s where to order: Powell Online Ordering, Vancouver Online Ordering, Hopworks Online Store, Keg Reservations.
A Note From Christian Ettinger
The 4th of July is my favorite holiday as it’s the continuation of my birthday on July 3rd, just marked by more fireworks and more beer! But seriously, as we head into the holiday weekend, I want to say thank you to every one of you who supported our brewery over the past few difficult months. It means the world to us. I can't express how overjoyed I am to be able to reopen Hopworks with our incredible team.
We had our first Powell Mothership staff meeting this Monday and the energy in the room was awesome! It was so good to see everyone’s masked faces and to know that they are okay. We've spent countless hours prepping and putting plans into motion to open in the safest way possible and we hope you enjoy the refreshed look, delicious food and friendly service you deserve.
The world is in transition right now and we have a lot of work to do. Hopworks is here as a forum where ideas can be discussed and where everyone is welcomed. We are looking inward and proud to reopen full of love, kindness and empathy using business as a force for good protecting our people and our planet. I am hopeful for the future and anxious to see the upper half of all your familiar faces!
Cheers, Christian
Happy 4th of July, everyone - stay safe!