Let’s Get Wild in November with Oregon Wild & Washington Wild!


In November, we are excited to have both Oregon Wild and Washington Wild as our community tap partners. 1% of pint sales at BikeBar and Hopworks on Powell will go to Oregon Wild; while 1% of pint sales at Hopworks Vancouver will go to Washington Wild.


Oregon Wild

For over forty years, Oregon Wild has worked to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations. Since 1974, this work has included safeguarding many of Oregon’s most iconic and beloved landscapes like Mount Hood and Opal Creek, decades of work to keep Portland’s Bull Run drinking watershed pristine, and giving a voice to our state’s threatened and endangered, native wildlife.

Ever since Oregon Wild sparked its beginnings around a campfire back in the 1970s, the organization has had a broad but ambitious mission. At the heart of it all, the hardworking staff, board, members, activists, partners, and supporters of Oregon Wild envision a future for Oregon that ensures public lands, old-growth forests, wilderness areas, and waterways remain for the next generations of humans and wildlife to thrive. To put this mission into action, Oregon Wild focuses on three main things: Cores (protecting special places), Corridors (defending and restoring Oregon’s forests and waters), and Carnivores (helping native species thrive).


Washington Wild

Since 1979, Washington Wild has played an invaluable role in permanently protecting nearly three million acres of Wilderness throughout Washington State. We bring people together in the vigorous defense of our remaining wild forests, waters, and wildlife. By educating, empowering, and mobilizing our communities, Washington Wild builds powerful grassroots networks that help protect wild lands and waters throughout the state. As the only statewide group dedicated to protecting wild lands and waters, Washington Wild plays a unique leadership role in working with both national and local grassroots advocacy groups.

In addition to permanently protecting wild places for future generations, Washington Wild defends wild places from mounting threats. Washington specializes in monitoring threats such as controversial timber sales, dam proposals, mining proposals, military training, geothermal development and other potential threats to wild places. Each year, Washington Wild mobilizes grassroots responses to speak out against threats by gathering individual comments and bringing together organizations and local businesses to sign onto joint comment letters.

In defense of Washington State’s wild lands and waters, Washington Wild works to find common ground amongst varied interests; bringing people together from different fields, beliefs, political parties, and other walks of life. We make it a point to include people who we call nontraditional conservation allies; people who may not be obvious advocates for environmental conservation, but have a vested interest in our work. We work with mountain bikers, hunters, anglers, faith leaders, local businesses, breweries, and politicians on both sides of the aisle. 

We love Oregon Wild and Washington Wild because of their commitment to protecting the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. They are advocates for safeguarding our public lands and the goodness of our outdoor playground.  Both organizations work with federal and state agencies and speak up on behalf of our native fish and wildlife. Cheers to that.

Please join us during the month of November and raise a glass to the beauty and bounty of the Pacific Northwest!