New PostHomebrew Juicy Bear IPA!
New PostHomebrew Juicy Bear IPA!
To celebrate National Homebrew Day 2020, we wanted to share our Juicy Bear IPA recipe with all you brewers out there! Now you can enjoy Juicy Bear year-round. Be sure to share your progress as you brew!
YIELD: 5 gallons
OG: 1.060
FG: 1.010
ABV: 6.5%
0.15 oz Calcium Chloride
0.15 oz Calcium Sulfate
12 lbs Premium 2-row
1 lb White Wheat Malt
1 lb Golden Naked Oats
0.1 oz Cascade hops (60 min)
1 tsp. Irish Moss (15 min)
2.5 oz Nelson Sauvin hops (WP 0 min)
1.75 oz Hallertau Blanc hops (WP 0 min)
1.5 oz Lemondrop hops (WP 0 min)
1.5 oz Nelson Sauvin hops (Dry Hop)
2.5 oz Hallertau Blanc hops (Dry Hop)
3.25 oz Lemondrop hops (Dry Hop)
Imperial Yeast Juice
Mill the grains and mash-in with 4.5 gallons of water to reach a mash rest temperature of 155°F. Let rest for 60 minutes. Sparge at 170°F and collect 7 gallons of wort. Boil for 60 minutes and flame off. Whirlpool the wort and add the WP 0 min hop additions. Cool the wort and transfer to your fermentation vessel and add Yeast. Dry hop just before you hit terminal gravity (~1.013).